A series of short factual films featuring Jon Stamford, the Parkinsons disease neuroscientist who himself was diagnosed with Parkinson´s.
All posts by Anders M. Leines
Winner of the Grand Prix at the World Parkinson Congress 2019
“Keep Hope Alive”. My submissions for the World Parkinson Congress 2019 in Kyoto, Japan. Winner: “The day I met Tom Isaacs”.
Heather Kennedy – parkinson patient advocate
Have a laugh at Parkinson´s
“This is Parkinsons” – The Exhibition
“This is Parkinsons” Facebook page
“This is Parkinsons” at Flickr.com
“This is Parkinsons” played crucial role in the process that brought “ParkinsonNet” to Norway.
“This is Parkinson´s” is an exhibition which challenges the image of the old, whispering, drooling parkinson patient. Why did I produce this exhibition? Well in my opinion, because that image no longer serves the patient community, inspire the scientific or challenge the medical and political. We need real patients to stand forth, with pride. The images have been on display in cities across Europe and the US.
Official trailer for “This is Parkinsons”.
MY story
My story six years into Parkinon´s disease:
Original version without english subtitles :
“Nothing we have done has slowed progression”, says Dr. Stanley Fahn in this documentary made by myself and Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation / NRK Puls. It drew a record audience in Norway. What do you do when suddenly you are diagnosed with an incurable progressive disease? I did everything.
Does Parkinson´s start in the gut ? I did fecal transplant
This is the story about how I did Fecal Macrobiotic Transplantation (FMT) with the help of “The Soup”, a complete microbiome provided to me by the exceptional researcher Tore Midtvedt at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
Can you slow the progression of Parkinson`s?
Listen to these experts on Parkinson´s disease.
From the World Parkinson Congress 2013.